11 réflexions sur « Si tous les métros pouvaient avoir de tels musiciens »

  1. Thanks for the article, the videos are astonishing !

    Let’s test this OpenId stuff (since I have an admin account I didn’t try it) ❓ ❓

  2. @Pascal : could you explain me your comment (the aside part) since for me the OpenId authentication was enough to post and be recognized.

  3. Ok, the reason was that my Openid server at openid.vanhecke.info (phpMyId) doesn’t have support for attributes (like email, nick, name). Those attributes do not seem mandatory to post here, but still I was redirected to wp-login.php after authenticating at openid.vanhecke.info (I switched to another openid server before posting this).

  4. BTW did you use this plugin:
    wordpress.org/extend/plugins/openid/ ?

    (removed the http – a previous version of this comment got censored)

    I tried this plugin (and its predecessor) on my blog but did not get it working…

  5. I use the following OpenID registration plugin.

    OpenID Registration $Rev: 85 $

    WordPress OpenID Registration, Authentication, and Commenting.
    Requires JanRain PHP OpenID library 1.2.1. By Alan J Castonguay, Hans Granqvist.

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